Home automation

 Home automation Over Buetooth technology :

This is the advanced version of previous home automation using DTMF.
     Here Bluetooth technology is used for communication with controller. Bluetooth communication is done using buletooth terminal in android cell phone. electromagnetic relays are used in feedback loop arrangement so that switching can be done for AC appliances and any fault switching can be recognized using feedback designed with relays. 

Over DTMF 


           This is the project which can explain what the DTMF technology is. This is home automation project where AC appliance in home is controlled over a cell phone.
          The main thing that I have done this project is I have applied this project circuit to mains supply and real fans or tube or bulbs in home. So it also gave me some hands on working with electric fitting inside switches in our homes. This project is also based on some basic electrical technology that we are using in our home via this switch boards on walls in home.

Tools/platform :
 I am always intended to use open source software. So most of the software used in this project are opensource.
      1) Ardunio uno development board.
      2) Arduino software.
      3) Ubuntu 14.2 LTS Linux os
      4) relays, Transistors and led's

Application :
         Circuit can be implemented in homes to control any electric appliances over cell phone to provide greater comfort to human beings.

             The main function in this mini project is of DTMF(Dual tone multi frequency) system used over telephones. We are receiving signals over cell phone to control our system that is AC devices. First we are going to receive the signals by another cell phone which will act as DTMF receiver and then this signals are given to DTMF decoder IC - IC8170B . Which will decode DTMF tone and will give four bit binary output corresponding to that particular DTMF tone. And then I have programmed the AVR atmega8 microcontroller to switch electromagnetic relay to make bulb on the wall on and off. So that user can use this system from any ware inside the mobile network to communicate and control the households AC devices in the home just by pressing few key on the cell phone. This is my first Home automation project .
                Here I am using one transistor to have smooth switching action of the electromagnetic relay.

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