The Stuff on scilab...

For over a month I was working on MATLAB and It was nice experience. MATLAB being not open source it was restricted when I wanted to use some other toolboxes. I was working on the 7.0 version that is MATLAB R2008a. And unfortunately image acquisition toolbox was not there. MATLAB do provide 30 days trial version but It takes some time. So what if I wanted it for urgent work say for controlling my robot or any other machanism?
    Then scilab is coming in my rescue. The atoms toolboxes are open source and we can also add our own toolboxes in it  because it is open source. scilab is open source and option for MATLAB. So I decided let's work for it.
   It's the page where I will be updating my efforts to impliment it.
 First I installed scilab and I wanted to communicate with my microcomtroller AT89S52 i.e 8052 micro controller. It was then there was the need to communicate via serial communiction

  error 1 : when I was trying to establish a serial communication over MATLAB. I initialised like this :     se = serial('COM4');
it gave me error like this :   serial functions can be used on solaris, linux 32, windows 32 platforms only.   

so then I was necessary to install a new version of MATLAB. with these errors eliminated. But it would also require a lot of installing time.
   So why not to try scilab for serial communication only ? its open source and can be downloaded from it side and it's small application of about 200 MB . So I downloaded this and installed . After opening the scilab. I then realised that for serial communication , I require a new toolbox for it. Then we can download it from atoms website. That's it. Just download serial communication toolbox from atoms website. And install this toolbox using the command
 :    atomsinstall('serial');
And scilab will aromatically load all there components the next time you start the scilab.
And you can start the serial communication by command :
    l = openserial(4,"9600,n,8,1"); where l is your serial object.
and write any data on serial port using: serialwrite(l,'Akhilesh'); command that's it it will work:
So conclusion was : scilab don't come with pre installed tools like MATLAB we have to install required tools as per our requirement.